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OVERVIEW MOVIES: YouTube (Part 1) :
Lab protocol : MS WORD file ...or ... PDF file .....RTF file no figures
Associated PDFs & power points: K+ and leech neuron activity...... sensory cells in ganglion.....synapses in ganglion The sensory cells in the leech ganglion culture....... reveiw of glial cell in leech....Leech neurons in culture and synapse formation....... Channels forming in developing synapses leech ....neuromodulators in invertebrates.... electrical flow down spines to cell body-general.......junction potentials-general ..... review of leech neurons in cluture.....leech paper1......leech paper 2....leech paper 3......leech paper 4.....leech paper 5.....leech paper 6.....leech paper 7.....leech paper on synapses... leech paper 8... leech paper 9